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Jennifer Hudson can't read from a teleprompter. Do you really want her to win an Oscar? That'd be like Mz. Peachez winning any award I can think of.

I suppose Oscars are cool for people too cowardly to deal with issues like systemic supremacy.

Not you Hash, those other cowards

dj mirateck

I agree that it would be monumental, but it wouldn't be nearly as monumental as when Halle Berry, Denzel, and Sidney Pointier did the hat trick and won Oscars back in '02.

IMHO- Eddie Murphy drastically reduced his chances of winning by releaseing Norbit and its less than tasteful marketing campaign during the prime-time Oscar voting period. That's the word on the street from the trade reps, voters, and consultants I've been working with for my Academy campaign (Miramax- The Queen and Venus). He should fire his publicist.


Black cinema is doing well these days, and more Oscars can only help increase the momentum.


It's about time America started giving us props.

Jennifer Hudson career starting off to fast. Down is the only way she can go now.

Good Luck!


kinda far fetched dont you think


If tiis would to happen white ppl would flip out

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Well, obviously that would be great for black entertainers in general and for those performers specifically.

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